Supplier in contact with customer who found 'white particles' in bottle of soya sauce

Submitted by Stomper Zoe

This story was submitted via Web contribution form.

A full investigation has been initiated following feedback from a customer who found unidentified white particles floating in a bottle of soya sauce that she purchased from a FairPrice supermarket, a spokesman told Stomp.

Stomper Zoe said that her mother had purchased the bottle of Kwong Cheong Thye light soya sauce from the FairPrice Finest outlet at Zhong Shan Park on July 21.

However, Zoe's mother discovered "lots of white stuff floating in the bottle" upon opening it on Nov 4.

Zoe told Stomp: "My mother has been buying and using this brand of soya sauce for many years.

"There has not been any change in her kitchen and she has definitely not added anything into the bottle to cause this.

"Hence, we cannot understand how the white substance has come about."

According to photos that Zoe shared, the expiry date stated on the bottle is 2021.09.12, which Zoe says is "a long way off".

In response to a Stomp query, a spokesman for FairPrice said: "FairPrice takes food quality and safety issues very seriously, and is committed to uphold a high level of food safety standards.

"A full investigation into this matter has been initiated with the supplier, and the supplier is currently in contact with the customer."

According to the spokesman, this appears to be an isolated incident as "checks on existing batches did not reveal any abnormalities and we have not received similar customer feedback recently concerning the product in question."

Customers can return or exchange products that are of an unsatisfactory quality at the same store of purchase with the receipt, added the spokesman.

They may also contact FairPrice at its Customer Relations Hotline at 6552 2722 or through email at

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