Superstar Steven Lim Kor Kor cries after listening to song on Chinese talent show

A video of Steven Lim sobbing uncontrollably after listening to the two contestants singing on Chinese talent show, Sound of My Dreams 2, has been circulating on Facebook.

In the video, Steven is seen bawling his heart out as the two contestants, the Kwong Sisters (邝氏姐妹), sang a rendition of the Chinese song, 老街.

Wrote Steven in his accompanying caption:

“Sorry... Muay Thai Champion Steven Lim Kor Kor cried... 

“These 邝氏 sisters sing so well. 

“Li Ronghao’s “老街”, it’s the first time listening to this beautifully written song…

“They sang so beautifully!

“Remember to like my this page! 

“So nice... enjoy!”

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