Angry at your delivery rider for taking so long with your food? Think twice

Swift advancement of technology has made it easy for you to get groceries, shopping and food sent right to your door with just a few clicks on your phone.

But often, we forget about those working hard behind the scenes to make these deliveries happen.

Stomper Anonymous was touched to see a GrabFood delivery rider working in the rain in Jalan Remaja on Saturday (Aug 27), at around 2.55pm.

She shared a photo of the delivery rider, who was riding a bicycle, getting drenched while waiting to cross the road.

Anonymous said: "I appreciate the efforts of these delivery personnel so much. Please be patient if your food delivery is delayed on rainy days."

The Stomper also said she uses food delivery apps once to twice a week, and makes it a point to tip her riders on rainy days. She hopes that everyone can show more patience and appreciation towards delivery riders.

This comes after another Stomper raised safety concerns about having to deliver bulky and heavy orders.

Stomper Peter Yeo, who is a delivery rider, said he often receives GrabMart orders for 1.5-litre bottles of mineral water.

He added: "It can sometimes be 12 to 18 bottles. There would be no assistance to help the rider make the delivery."

Delivery riders are unable to cancel such orders without forfeiting their incentives. Instead, they are told to make multiple trips to the customer if needed, Peter said. However, the riders are not told how much they would paid for the extra effort.

Peter also previously highlighted how he sometimes ends up making wasted trips to F&B establishments that continued to accept orders despite being closed for the day.

He would reach the restaurant to collect the customer's food, only to find the place already shut. To make things worse, he does not get compensated for the wasted journey.

Don't forget to add verbally abusive, impatient or unreasonable customers into the mix.

Being a delivery rider is not easy indeed.
