Man who fainted on train thanks kind commuters and staff for helping him during 'chaos'

A commuter who fainted on a train while he was on the way to work last Thursday morning (Nov 21) would like to express his gratitude to the kind souls who stepped in to help him.

Stomper TheParadoxx said the incident occurred when the train was travelling between Boon Keng and Farrer Park MRT stations on the North-East Line, at around 7.45am.

He told Stomp: "I would like to thank all the kind commuters who helped me during the chaos:

  • "The gentleman standing behind me who caught me while I was falling down

  • "The person who gave up the reserved seat for me to sit down

  • "The woman who gave me her bottle of white flower oil

  • "The person who pressed the emergency communication button and alerted train staff about my condition

  • "The three staff at Farrer Park MRT station who came running to assist me (by this time I had already gained some consciousness and managed to walk out of the train) and for escorting me via wheelchair to the taxi stand

"As everything happened very quickly from me fainting to gaining consciousness and being in a daze, I didn't manage to notice everyone who rendered assistance in one way or another, or personally thank them for their kindness.

"By sharing this on Stomp, I hope to show my heartfelt appreciation to everyone in the train that day who rendered their assistance. May God bless you all!"

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