Woman expresses concern at heights youths go to take Instagram-worthy photos at Fort Canning Park

It is not uncommon to see youths putting themselves in precarious situations in order to get a photo that stands out from a multitude of others on social media.

Stomper Valerie was at Fort Canning Park when she noticed youths taking photos at a popular photo-taking spot on Sunday afternoon (Sep 15).

She expressed her concerns on youths putting themselves in a possibly dangerous situation.

She asked: "Is this kind of dangerous photography allowed in Singapore?"

"They even allowed kids to climb up and take photos.

"I was running down the staircase when I saw a kid sitting on the edge.

"If she had overshot, she could have fallen down and gotten a serious injury.

"I understand tourists are trying to take a photo during their sight-seeing but these type of posts are overdoing it."

The staircase Valerie was at is a popular tagged location on Instagram that both locals and tourists frequent to pose for a photo.




Many park visitors choose to sit or stand on the ledge, a couple of metres from the ground, to get a good shot with the greenery of Fort Canning.

Although many may not find an issue with taking such photos, this is not the first time someone has slammed such stunts.

In 2017, a Singaporean photographer accused some Instagrammers of trying to "up each other on this stupid game of trespassing into private property and dangling a pair of legs off the edge".

What do you think?
