Two women shout and exchange blows in fight at Tekka Centre

A fight between two women broke out at Tekka Centre, with blows being exchanged in front of startled diners at the hawker centre.

According to Stomper Punjabi, who sent us a video of the incident, the fight was said to have occurred on Jan 7.

In the video, two women can be seen shouting at each other while several other passers-by try to restrain them.

One of the two women then threw what appeared to be a drink at the other women and blows were briefly exchanged.

The woman who had a drink thrown at her was then restrained by a female passer-by.

It is unclear what caused the dispute.

In response to media queries, the police told Stomp, "On Jan 7 2018 at 2.26pm, the police were alerted to a case of voluntarily causing hurt at 665 Buffalo Road. (Tekka Centre)"

Stomp understands that no arrests were made.

Police investigations are ongoing.
