Toa Payoh resident gets faeces and rubbish 'flying' into her home due to litterbug neighbour

Bad enough that you have trash flying into your house almost every day, no thanks to an upstairs neighbour who is throwing rubbish out of the window.

The last straw was when Stomper Yee found faeces stuck on her own window, courtesy of the same litterbug neighbour.

Yee, a resident at Block 83 Toa Payoh Lorong 2, said she discovered the faeces on Tuesday (Oct 5) and shared photos with Stomp.

She explained: "The culprit throws rubbish out of the window quite often, such as paper from a daily calendar, masks amd cigarettes.

"Sometimes, the rubbish will fly into my house. But this is the first time I'm getting faeces and they got stuck on my window."
