Stomper catches sight of civet cat in the heart of Tiong Bahru

Submitted by Stomper Emily

This story was submitted via Stomp App contribution.

A Stomper walking in Tiong Bahru heard rustling in some bushes nearby thinking it was a cat looking for food.

However, she was surprised to find the animal was not a common feline at all.

"A strange cat with a long tail was sighted in Tiong Bahru, opposite the Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board (SEAB) at Jalan Bukit Ho Swee on Oct 14 at about 8pm," the Stomper said.

"It was looking for food in the bushes.

"I called the Animal Concerns Research and Education Society (Acres) and was advised to leave the cat alone.

"Can anyone help to confirm that it is indeed a civet cat?"

From a video shared by the Stomper, the animal does indeed look like a civet.

Though commonly called civet cats, they are more closely related to mongooses than felines.

They can be identified by their long sleek bodies, short limbs, and long tails.

They have a long muzzle and small ears and their coats are dark greying brown.

They also have black 'masks' across their faces.

They can usually be found living in forests, parks, mangroves and even roof spaces of buildings in urban areas in Singapore.

Nocturnal by nature, they prefer to stay in trees and high places.

Here is what to do when you encounter a civet cat:

  • Do not be alarmed. Like most wild animals, civets are shy and will stay out of sight. You are advised to leave the civets alone. It is fine to observe them from afar but do not try to corner or chase them, as that may provoke them to attack in order to protect themselves.

  • Civets may eat leftover cat food that is left out in the open. If you do not want them to come to your property, please ensure that cat or dog food is kept indoors.

  • If you find baby civets in your property, leave them alone and do not attempt to pick them up. If people swarm around the baby civets, this prevents the mother from picking them up and the mother may end up abandoning them. If the mother is nearby, she will respond to their cries and attend to them.

  • If the civet happens to give birth in your property, leave it alone. The baby civets will start venturing out within two or three months after birth. After that, they will follow their mother to forage and will move out of your property eventually.