Simei resident removes potted plants from parapet after Stomper's concern, town council's advice

A resident has removed potted plants placed along the parapet wall at Block 233 Simei Street 4 after the town council came knocking.

Stomper Mich shared photos showing shrubs hanging over the wall on the topmost floor of the block and expressed safety concerns about the plants being potential killer litter.

Mich told Stomp on Jan 8: "My concern is more on safety rather than beauty.

"With strong winds and other external factors, the potted plants and those dangling might fall on those walking and playing below. There is also a small school for little children."

The Stomper was referring to PCF Sparkletots, located on the ground floor of the block.

She said: "Would Stomp be kind enough to take a look or channel it to the correct authority?"

In response to a Stomp query, an East Coast Town Council spokesperson said an officer visited the unit on Jan 15.

The spokesperson added: "The resident was advised about the dangers of placing potted plants along the parapet wall, and the resident has since removed the potted plants as of Jan 16."

Photo: East Coast Town Council

Mich confirmed that the plants were "no longer there" as of Jan 18, adding: "Thanks, Stomp."
