Kind soul raises funds for rescued animals through Bigo Live

Update on June 30:

Stomp got in touch with Raphaelle Gan for an exclusive interview, during which we presented her with a Goody Bag for her inspiring campaign.

Read the full update here.

Original article:

A Stomper alerted Stomp to one woman's efforts to raise funds for animals rescued by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA).

In a Facebook post dated Jun 23, Raphaelle Gan informed her friends and followers that she started a fund campaign through Bigo Live, a live-streaming app.

She wrote:

"So far I've received $100 and I've spent it on 5 kg worth of dog food, 2 kg worth of cat food and 600g of rabbit food. 

"If any kind souls would be willing to help with supporting my campaign by either donating food or money into my account, please do so. 

"I promise I WILL not use it for selfish purposes. 

"I just only want to ensure the animals have enough food to eat, healthy food.  The environment they're living in makes me very sad :( 

"...Please help me raise awareness and money for me to buy food to send to them every month. 

"A little goes a long way...Thank you."

The Stomper is touched by how Raphaelle genuinely wants to help the animals and urges others to help as well:

"She deserves more credit than she thinks she does."

If you want to find out more about how you can join Raphaelle in helping these animals, check out her post here.
