Jogger shows middle finger to Merc driver after ignoring red man and running in front of car

A jogger was caught on video pointing his middle finger at a Mercedes-Benz driver after getting honked at for running in front of his vehicle while the red man was showing.

Stomper Lau Lau alerted Stomp to footage of the incident which was posted on SG Road Vigilante's Facebook page.

According to the post, the incident happened at Raffles Avenue on Mar 21 at about 10.21am.

In the video, the traffic lights are clearly green in favour of motorists.

However, this does not stop the jogger from running in front of the approaching Merc.

The contributor wrote: "Jogger was jaywalking and had to horn him to alert him, but was shown the middle finger instead."

Netizens criticized the jogger for showing his middle finger despite being at fault.
