Driver of parked car gets vulgar note for blocking staircase access in Woodlands

A driver received an angry note after parking in a 'no parking' lot and blocking staircase access at a Housing Board (HDB) carpark in Woodlands.

Stompers YongJie and Alex came across the illegally parked Hyundai at Block 168 Woodlands Street 11 on Tuesday (Dec 10), at around 11.20am.

Photos they submitted show the blue car parked in a 'no parking' lot -- and right in front of a staircase.

In one picture, an unknown person had also left a note on the car to tell its driver off. The note contained a vulgarity.

Stomper YongJie said: "I spotted this idiot driver parking in the 'no parking' lot and can't believe such drivers still exist."

Alex added: "This driver is very inconsiderate and brainless."

Check out all the photos in the gallery.
