Cabby uses cardboard to cover his face after alleged hit-and-run in carpark

Submitted by Stomper Lee

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A taxi driver was caught on video covering his face with a piece of cardboard after allegedly hitting another car parked at a carpark on Feb 25.

The incident was posted on SG Road Vigilante's Facebook group page on Apr 4.

In the video, the Premier Taxi cab is seen reversing into a lot and appears to hit the car on its left while doing so.

The cabby is seen walking in front of the vehicle he hit at about 4.28pm, according to the video's timestamp.

About two minutes later, he is seen walking up the carpark's ramp towards his taxi while covering the right side of his face with a piece of cardboard.

The owner of the affected car said in the post that he wanted to share footage of the incident as he has been unable to claim insurance for the incident because the cabby allegedly did not report it to his own insurer.