Bat pays surprise visit to Tampines resident

A resident was surprised to find a bat at Tampines GreenVerge on Apr 15.

Stomper @lioncitylaughs shared with Stomp a video of the bat that he posted on his Instagram Reels.

He said: "Who knew bats could be found in such unexpected places?"

Although this was a rare sight for the Stomper, bats are actually native to Singapore and can be found in the island's forests, parks, gardens and urban areas.

According to the National Parks Board (NParks), Singapore has about 25 species of bats.

Bats are generally harmless and are a crucial part of both our urban and natural landscape.

Some bats have adapted to urban spaces and can be seen flying around our streets from dusk to dawn.

NParks highlighted that if members of the public come across bats that are injured, distressed or trapped, they should call their Animal Response Centre at 1800-476-1600.

Avoid handling the bat yourself as this may cause further stress or injury to the animal and they may bite in self-defence.

Also, do not put food out to feed bats as they have sufficient naturally occurring food that is healthier for them than processed human food.

Feeding of all wildlife in Singapore is also prohibited under the Wildlife Act.

There have been no cases of sicknesses transmitted from bats to humans in Singapore.

On the rare occasions when bats enter your premises, NParks has an advisory on what to do:
