19 dogs removed from unlicensed breeder by AVS and placed into care

Syarafana Shafeeq
The Straits Times
February 16, 2022

A total of 19 dogs were taken into care by the Animal and Veterinary Service (AVS), after it investigated an unlicensed dog breeder on FebĀ 9.

AVS, which is a service under the National Parks Board (NParks), received a tip-off from a member of the public about the unlicensed breeding and selling of dogs.

Investigators inspected a couple's residence and took 19 dogs away, including Corgi puppies and adult Shiba Inu, AVS said in a media release on Wednesday (Feb 16).

The dogs are now under the care of AVS in their Animal Management Centre.

A woman and her husband are assisting with investigations.

For keeping animals in captivity for sale without licence, offenders can be fined up to $5,000, jailed for up to six months or both.

For using premises as a farm without licence, one can be fined up to $10,000, jailed for up to one year or both.

AVS said it strongly encourages people to adopt their pets from animal welfare groups or purchase them from licensed pet shops.

It said: "Prospective pet owners should not purchase from unknown sources, including those on online platforms, as the health status of these animals is unknown and they may carry diseases.

"While AVS continues to ensure that regulations are in place and properly enforced, pet owners, businesses and the public have a part to play."

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