Youths on PMD tailgate car and flash middle fingers along Choa Chu Kang Road

A couple of youths riding a personal mobility device (PMD) were caught on video tailgating a car along Choa Chu Kang Road on Friday (June 7).

A Stomper alerted Stomp to the incident and shared a series of video clips posted online by an Instagram user.

In the video, the e-scooter rider and his pillion are seen pulling up behind a car.

The rider flashes both of his middle fingers at the person taking the video inside the car.

According to the Stomper, the youths on the PMD are acquainted with the guy recording the video.

"The guy is riding dangerously on the road and ignoring rules and regulations," he said.

"By riding so close to the car, he could have gotten into an accident."
