Woman upset with BF for gifting Louis Vuitton wallet instead of Chanel and 'only $500' a month

A Facebook post from a woman who complained about her boyfriend for supposedly paling in comparison to her sister's partner has gone viral online.

Her anonymous confession was posted on NUSWhispers' Facebook page on May 26, where it has garnered over 2,400 comments and almost 4,000 shares to date.

In her post, the woman complained about:

  • Her boyfriend giving her a Louis Vuitton (LV) wallet "which costs around $700" for her birthday. This left her "really upset and disappointed" because her sister had gotten a Chanel wallet "which costs at least $1,000" from the sister's boyfriend.

  • The woman also said, "Chanel is so much nicer than LV. Let's be honest, LV is for poor people who want to look rich."

  • Her boyfriend sending her food from lower-tier restaurants like Swensen's and Ichiban, as compared to her sister's boyfriend who sends food from "popular restaurants" like Crystal Jade and Paradise Dynasty.

  • Being envious of how her sister's boyfriend provides her sister with $1,000 a month "for her own spending" while she herself gets "only" $500 from her own boyfriend.
The woman went on to say: "I hate to admit but I really feel very jealous of my sister because her bf is willing to spend money on her despite earning just $4k a month. My bf earns at least $5k and yet he is so stingy with me.

"Sometimes I really feel like a loser.. why my sister can find such a good bf but I just cannot. Just because she is taller and slimmer, she can find a good bf.. it's so unfair."

Naturally, netizens were not pleased and called the woman out for being self-entitled.

Some users offered sagely advice, pointing out that a prudent lifestyle as well as the ability to save instead of splurging is a strength.

They also said that there is more to life than easily replaceable material goods. Lasting love and a stable marriage, for instance.

A few, however, did not hold back.


What do you think of this woman's first-world problems?

Could she be just trolling us all for a good laugh during these challenging times?

Who is the 'better' girlfriend: This woman or the one who tore her boyfriend apart for sending desserts over?

Share your thoughts in the comments below.
