Woman burns stacks of paper in incense bin along Chin Swee Rd

Stomper Nur and her friend came across a woman burning documents in an incense drum along Chin Swee Road on Tuesday (April 3) afternoon. 

Puzzled, by the woman’s actions, her friend confronted the woman, while Nur took a video of the exchange between the two.

In the video, Nur’s friend tells the woman that she should not burn documents in the bins, which are meant for the burning of offerings.

The woman replies that she is not able to tear up the documents herself as her hands were hurting. 

In the meantime, she continues throwing stacks of paper into the bin.

A passer-by then approaches and chats with her, although the nature of their conversation is unclear. 

Said Nur:

“I feel that the act is disrespectful to some religious groups.

“These bins are meant for offerings.

“This is not my religion, but we have a lot of neighbours from different backgrounds, and we should learn to respect their religions.”
