Uncle moving bicycles blocking walkway near Pioneer MRT Station is the hero we all need

Shared bicycles being left at random places instead of their designated spots are a norm these days.

Just yesterday, Stomp posted a photo showing a sheltered walkway near Pioneer MRT Station 'flooded' with bicycles. This makes it pretty much impossible for any pedestrians to pass through.

However, with ugly behaviour also comes a shining beacon of hope in the form of an elderly man, who makes it his daily mission to shift bicycles that are blocking a walkway and arrange them neatly.

The walkway is also located near Pioneer MRT Station.

Stomper Anilsa filmed a video showing the uncle hard at work on Jan 26 and said: "Hero spotted!

"I believe this is a daily routine of his.

"Kudos and thank you, uncle!"

If you are the uncle or know him, kindly contact us at stomp@stomp.sg or WhatsApp (+65) 9384 3761.​ We would like to present him with a Stomp Goody Bag.
