Tampines resident frustrated by 'filthy and sticky' common area caused by spitting

Tampines Town Council has responded to feedback from a resident whose neighbours have apparently been spitting at the common area of a Housing Board (HDB) block.

Stomper Anonymous expressed disgust at the state of the common area at Block 419 Tampines Street 41 and sent photos to Stomp.

Anonymous, who also alerted the town council, said: "The common area is dirty, filthy and sticky with the continuous spitting from my neighbours.

"There are notices of no spitting and no smoking in the lift but they do not seem to care.

"Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we are all the more worried about their actions."

In response to a Stomp query, a spokesman for Tampines Town Council said: "Based on the information provided by the feedback provider, we have narrowed down to one particular unit in the block.

"The town council has spoken to the residents and advised them that it is prohibited to smoke or spit at the common areas, including stairwells and corridors.

"We have also cleaned up the area and notified relevant authorities about this occurrence.

"Nevertheless, we will continue to ramp up our educational efforts to remind the public of being a responsible and considerate neighbour."

The town council will also work with relevant authorities and monitor the issue closely, the spokesman told Stomp.

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