Driver parks car at double yellow line area and gets into heated dispute with man who tries to snap a photo of his vehicle

A car owner and a man got into a heated dispute over illegal parking at around 7.25pm on Tuesday (Oct 11) under Block 219, in the Bedok Central area.

According to the car owner who wrote in to Stomp, he was waiting for his girlfriend under the block, when the man approached his vehicle and started spewing vulgarities at him for illegal parking.

From the video, the vehicle can be seen illegally parked at a double yellow line, in front of a HDB waste collection point.

The man openly addressed himself as a "concerned citizen" and was also trying to take pictures of the illegally parked vehicle.

While the concerns of the man was understandable, was it necessary to blow up the situation by spewing vulgarities?

So Stompers, who do you think was at fault? Watch the video and let us know!