Cat with mangled paws found in Yishun: Volunteers plead for help

Our five famous cat rangers from the ‘Yishun 326 Tabby cat’  Facebook group have rescued another feline once again, but this time, they need more help.

Stomper Marianne alerted us to an update on their Facebook group, where we learnt that the rescued cat from Block 138 on Oct 3, had sustained terrible paw injuries.

The cat was a resident of Block 816 since young, but was later catnapped and relocated to the Block 130 area for three months before making her way back.

Everything was going well until the cat went missing for the past two weeks. They eventually found the cat yesterday (Oct 3) at Block 138, but this time in a bad state.

Read also: Cat found with rod stuck in its testicles at Jalan Minyak in Outram

The group of volunteers are not sure what happened but from the looks of it, they knew it suffered a lot and was very traumatised.

They have since named the five to eight year-old cat Beth, and brought her to the hospital for treatment of its very serious wounds and injuries.

The injuries she sustained includes nerve injuries on her left paw, and rotting flesh on her hind left paw -- which might have to be amputated if it cannot be treated or saved.

The volunteers are seeking for kind donors to help defray the hospital and treatment costs for Beth.

Should you be interested to help Beth, do check out this Facebook post for more details.