Sembawang resident horrified to find ground littered with soiled sanitary pads

Sembawang Town Council has responded to a case of soiled sanitary pads allegedly thrown from a unit at Sembawang Crescent.

Stomper Hing Yen alerted Stomp to the situation and said it has been a "recurring problem".

She shared photos of soiled sanitary pads she found near Block 363 Sembawang Crescent on July 12 and said she believes the pads were thrown from the block.

In response to a Stomp query, the town council said it is aware of the problem.

"While we have not identified the person who threw the sanitary pad, we have served high rise littering notice to all the units in that block," a spokesman said.

"The NEA is notified of this issue as high rise littering falls under their purview.

"We will work together with them to monitor the situation."
