Python devours cat at Clementi

A Clementi resident witnessed a python devouring a grey cat near Block 343 Clementi Avenue 5 on Saturday (Nov 13).

Facebook user Siau Li Chao shared photos of the python on her page to alert community cat feeders to help keep the felines in the area safe.

A photo of the python coiled around the cat and in the midst of eating it was shared with her by an uncle in the area.

Posted by Siau Li Chao on Monday, November 15, 2021

She wrote that it is unclear whether the cat that was eaten by the snake was a community cat or pet but believes it was most likely a pet cat.

In an update, she shared the python was last seen near Blocks 412 and 418.

She also advised feeders in the area to call the Animal Concerns Research and Education Society (Acres) at 9783 7782 if they come across the snake.

Reticulated pythons are endemic to Singapore.

They are generally shy and are often found in residential areas as they are drawn to the abundance of rodent prey like rats.

Members of the public who encounter a live snake are advised to keep calm and observe it from a safe distance. Do not approach it or attempt to catch it.

For more information on what to do when you see a snake, check out NParks' advisory.