Neighbours spread cheer by 'jamming' on their balconies: 'A period where strangers become family'

Staying home during the current circuit breaker period can make you feel restless and bored but a couple of neighbours managed to come together while adhering to safe distancing measures.

A Stomper alerted Stomp to a video posted on Instagram of two neighbours 'jamming' to Top of the World from their respective balconies, entertaining not only their own families but other neighbours as well.

"Keeping it sane at home with the neighbours," said the Stomper.

"Being confined indoors can get you feeling a little crazy.

"In such times, we are lucky to have neighbours that keep us sane with some human interaction during the circuit breaker."

Instagram user Yuga wrote in his post that he collaborated with his newly acquainted neighbour Daniel for the impromptu jamming session on Tuesday (Apr 14).

"He heard my cajon, brought his guitar and we were on a roll cheered by the rest of our neighbours," he said.

"It's during this period where we experience simple joys, where strangers become family, where the car you drive, the size of your house nor the price of your clothes or any of [these matters].

"It's a period where you learn to treasure life, savour every moment, appreciate everything and everyone."
