Man vapes while walking along Soon Lee Drive: 'They don't care about people walking behind them' 

A man was caught on camera walking and vaping along Soon Lee Drive near Pioneer Road on Saturday morning (Aug 13).

Vaping is illegal in Singapore.

Sharing a video of the incident, Stomper Raveen said he works in the area and has to live with this on a daily basis.

"Every day, I have to face this kind of people who are vaping openly on the pathway. This man is vaping at the road junction as well," he told Stomp.

"They never care about society and the people who are affected by them. They don’t want to care about people who are walking behind them. The National Environment Agency (NEA) needs to take severe action against those who are vaping and smoking in restricted areas.

"In Singapore, it's legally wrong. People must follow Singapore's rules and regulations. Singapore is not like other countries. It has very unique protocols to keep it safe and clean for all. But people like this are dispiriting."

NEA takes enforcement action for smoking in prohibited places, not vaping, which is under the Health Sciences Authority (HSA).

The use of e-vaporisers was banned in Singapore on Feb 1, 2018. Those caught purchasing, using or having in their possession such products are liable to be fined up to $2,000.

The HSA said that last year, 4,697 people were caught for using and possessing e-vaporisers, up from 1,266 in 2020, reported The Straits Times.