Parents give 4-year-old boy a memorable birthday 'attended' by over 20 despite circuit breaker

Circuit breaker measures due to the Covid-19 outbreak have seen people finding innovative ways to celebrate festive occasions and spread happiness to loved ones.

Despite having to stay home, Stomper Abdul Razak and his wife succeeded in giving their toddler son a memorable birthday celebration.

Aisy Huzaifah turned four on Thursday (May 28), and it was a day filled with "moments of joy".

The Stomper shared: "We had a stay-at-home birthday celebration with a superhero theme and decorations.

"There were over 20 invitees, relatives and friends who joined the birthday party through digital conferencing app Zoom.

"We celebrated the occasion with joy, kindness and love virtually.

"It was a different and 'new' way of celebrating this year, but it was also the most memorable birthday celebration for all of us."

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