Laundromat machine spins out of control after someone tries to wash playpen in it

The New Paper
Sept 13, 2023

Customers at a laundromat in Sembawang recently were startled after a washing machine spun out of control, literally. 

The incident was caused by two customers who allegedly put an entire playpen, railings et al, into the machine.

As a result, the playpen caused the machine door to shatter. The item also spun uncontrollably while partially out of the machine, spewing soapy water all over the place.

The incident was documented via a few videos and photos that were shared on Facebook on Sept 10.

The user who made the post said they were near the laundromat at the time and suddenly heard what sounded like glass “exploding”.

When they rushed into the store, they noticed soapy water all over the floor. There was also fabric spinning uncontrollably from inside one of the washing machines. 

The glass panel of the washing machine door had broken and there were glass shards flying around. Fortunately, nobody was sitting near the machine when the glass shattered. 

According to the post, a woman, believed to be the owner of the playpen, went up to the people recording the incident and asked them to stop filming and to not post the video online.

Although the user’s friend deleted clips that identified anyone, they noted there was still a CCTV camera in the store.

“If the woman had just stood there, no one would have known who was the idiot who tossed a metal object into the washing machine,” said the friend according to the post.

The woman, accompanied by her husband, had tried to pull the playpen out of the maching and kill the power – but were unable to do so. 

In the end, the machine “spit out“ the playpen.

8world News identified the laundromat in the video as Mister Wash. Its owner, Lin Qiyi, confirmed that the incident occurred at their Canberra Crescent branch.

He said the couple told him they would discuss with him compensation for the damages.
