Koufu apologises to man after he finds toilet at Tampines outlet in 'disgusting' condition

Koufu has apologised to a man who expressed disgust about the toilet condition at their Block 478 Tampines Street 44 outlet.

Stomper Donald was at Koufu on Oct 19 at 8.45pm and, being displeased with the condition of the toilet, shared photos of it to Stomp.

Photos show a broken toilet seat cover beside a toilet bowl filled with urine.

"I felt angry and disgusted with such toilet conditions, especially since we live in a country like Singapore," Donald said.

He added that he did not inform Koufu about what he saw.

In response to a Stomp query, a spokesman for Koufu said: "We are committed to upholding good sanitation and hygiene practices for our customers’ comfort when visiting our outlet at Block 478 Tampines Street 44.

"We have investigated and discovered the removal of the damaged toilet bowl cover on Oct 19. The damaged toilet bowl cover has since been replaced on Oct 20."

The spokesman added that the washroom in that particular outlet is cleaned and sanitised twice a day and the floor is mopped hourly.

"We would like to sincerely apologise to the customer who had the unpleasant encounter that day," added the spokesman.

"Should customers require any assistance or have any feedback, we would like to urge them to approach our duty manager in store or write in to us at enquiry@koufu.com.sg."