Kind souls bring elderly stranger to hospital after finding him bleeding and alone

A woman was touched by how two youths went all out to help an elderly man that they had apparently found bleeding and alone by the roadside.

Stomper Kiki said she was at Changi General Hospital at around 1am on Sunday (April 11) when she noticed the youths.

She recounted: "I saw these two boys wheeling in an old man who was bleeding.

"I overheard their conversation with the nurse, saying that they saw this man near the traffic light (I don't know where) and he was bleeding so they decided to bring him to hospital for treatment.

"He was alone but luckily for him, these two boys took the initiative to help him despite being strangers.

"Kudos to these two boys. I felt proud seeing them go all out to help a stranger. They should be commended for their deeds so that people will know what Good Samaritans they are."
