Hornbill perches on Bedok resident's bamboo pole -- and takes a dump

It's not every day a hornbill visits your home, let alone takes a dump right in front of you.

Stomper Jan played witness to the amusing sight at her Bedok Reservoir Road home on Sunday (July 2), at around 6.30pm.

The oriental pied hornbill was alone and did not appear to fear humans.

Sharing photos of the beautiful bird, Jan said: "It perched on the clothing pole for at at least 10 minutes. It wasn't doing anything but we saw it poo! Lol.

"My children and I were very surprised to see it! It was the first time for us!

"The hornhill didn't seem to be afraid of humans. We opened the windows wider to take pictures and it didn't care. We went really close to take pictures and it didn't care about us too! We were expecting it to fly away."

View more pictures in the gallery.
