Bus driver greets every passenger regardless of race, language or religion

After a long day at work, it's amazing how a bright smile and cheery "hello" can instantly perk you up.

That's how Facebook user Leonard felt after boarding Bus Service 13 yesterday evening.

The bus captain named Ihsan Tommy demonstrated excellent service and courtesy to each and every one of his passengers.

"Regardless of race, language or religion, he looks at every single one of his commuters in the eyes and greets them, wishes them well, and ensures their safety as he drives off," wrote Leonard.

"Despite the monotony, ALL the 'hi's, 'good evening's, and the 'be careful please's continue to sound genuinely endearing.

"And not forgetting all his waves, they're probably warmer than the ones emitted by your oven."

Leonard urged his friends to wish the driver well and to help make his day too.

"We need more captains like him," he added.
