Awesome worker climbs up Helix Bridge to return lost phone that he found in toilet

A man whose son had lost his phone at Marina Bay Sands managed to successfully retrieve it -- all thanks to a worker who went the extra mile.

Facebook user Gary Koh recounted how he and his son thought they had lost the mobile phone for good, until they received a call from Satish Kumar, an employee at BMS Environmental Services Ptd Ltd.

Read also: We can all learn from this kind foreign worker who helped old woman cross the road

Satish had found the phone in a toilet, but the place he chose as the pick-up point came across as 'strange' at first: Helix Bridge.

Gary soon found out why.

He wrote, "Realized he was working there and he had to climb up [the bridge] to hand it over. Grateful for his honesty and humility. Didn't want any gift either."

Well done, Satish Kumar!
