Woman driven into a corner by trailer truck on Tampines Expressway... literally

Submitted by Stomper Jessica

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Stomper Jessica had a near-accident after Exit 13 of the Tampines Expressway on Oct 20, no thanks to a reckless trailer truck driver.

A video she sent in shows her driving on the left-most lane, when the trailer suddenly appears from behind and comes very close to her, before overtaking her.

Jessica can also be heard yelling in shock in the video and swerving to the left as she tries to avoid getting hit by the trailer.

She told Stomp in a Facebook message, "I slowed down and kept to the side. Nothing serious happened to myself or my car."

The driver of the trailer truck then simply speeds off.

Hi Stompers,

If you happen to encounter road bullies, Police has the following advice for you: 

-Remain calm and maintain your own safe driving habits.

-Do not engage an aggressive driver by responding in an aggressive or reckless manner.

-Maintain a safe driving distance from the other vehicles.

-Do not engage in a face-to-face confrontation with the road bully, or further agitate the road bully with confrontational gestures, expressions or behaviour.

-Note the vehicle number of the road bully and file a police report so that action can be taken.