Uncle caught watching porn at McDonald's outlet in Hillion Mall

An uncle was spotted watching pornography on his phone at a McDonald’s outlet in Hillion Mall last Saturday (Aug 5). 

Stomper Anonymous was having a late lunch at around 6pm when she spotted a man, seemingly in his fifties, watching an adult video.

Anonymous theorised that the man could have decided to watch the video there due to the availability of free WiFi in the restaurant. 

Said Anonymous:

“At first I didn’t know what he was watching.

“When I saw him smiling to himself, and took a second look, I realised that he was watching this video with a naked woman.

“This is disgusting.

“I wouldn’t have minded if he just did it in private, but this is a public place.

“There are a lot of kids around here.

“They will be affected if they saw what he was watching.”

She also added that fortunately, the uncle was using an earpiece, and there was no sound.

Otherwise, it could have affected more people, she said. 
