Found: Stomper looking to fulfil late father-in-law's wish to find his long-lost son by second wife

Update on Oct 22:

The son had been found.

Original article:

A family is looking for the long-lost son of a man who passed away on Oct 15.

Stomper Fatihah told Stomp that his father-in-law, Mohammad Isnen Bin Maswan, died at the age of 71.

"My late father-in-law had another son from his second wife whom he was looking for since a long time ago but didn't have any idea where he was," said Fatihah.

"Now, I would like to find his son to let him know that he is gone."

Fatihah shared a photo of Mohammad Isnen and said his birthday was July 1, 1952.

"My intention is to find his son," the Stomper said.

If you have any information on Mohammad Isnen's long-lost son, kindly contact Stomp at or WhatsApp 9384 3761.
