It's truly a good weekend with gorgeous double rainbows and sunset

It was a great start of a weekend for people all over Singapore yesterday (Sep 30), who were treated to the beautiful sight of a double rainbow during sunset. 

Stompers Victor, Albert, Maria, Trisha, Syed, Terence, Kannan, Jeff, Ben Ball, Sudirman, Shekhar, Nick and Hock Kwee all sent in photos of the gorgeous skies.

Albert said: "Captured these beautiful double rainbows with the sunset as the backdrop at Lorong 7 Block 3 when I was visiting there this evening."

Read also: Singaporean artist's amazing artwork will change the way you look at clouds forever

The others too saw the rainbows from all around Singapore. 

Syed said, "Ravishing Rainbow, too gorgeous... captured near Marina Bay in the evening."

Terence said, "Double rainbow spotted at China square central. Viewers were amazed by this rare sight."

"Saw a semi-circle 180-deg big beautiful rainbow at I12 Katong outside," said Jeff.

Shekhar saw it from Paya Lebar.

Maria shared a photo her friend took all the way from Batam: "My friend shared this picture in Facebook, double rainbows above her church. She is a pastor in this church in Batam.

"I know her from I was a kid. Beautiful double rainbow like the same as we saw in Singapore, too."