PMD riders try to hide their faces after 'tailgating' bus along Bishan Road

A large group of personal mobility device (PMD) riders were spotted at Bishan Road on Nov 9.

A Stomper shared a video of some of the riders travelling closely behind a double-decker public bus before overtaking it from the right to turn left.

A voice in the video is heard saying: "Record ah, record ah."

Some of the riders behind a car are seen ducking out of sight, trying to hide their faces.

"These brainless punks don't value their lives and get other road users into trouble," said the Stomper.

"Prior to this, they were tailgating the bus then cut in front of the bus.

"Those behind were trying to hide their faces.

"The Traffic Police really ought to clamp down on these reckless riders."

Under the Active Mobility Act, PMDs are not allowed on the road.
