Playboy model hates her implants, says plastic surgery ruined her career

An Australian Playboy model went from C-cups to DDs through cosmetic surgery -- but was left with more pain and insecurities than ever.

New Zealand-born Sarah Harris, 23, said the pressure to stay thin in the modelling industry led her to starving herself.

Her unhealthy yo-yo diet caused a "weird lump" to develop in one of her breasts.

"Because of my weight fluctuating so much, what happened was my breast tissue constricted and it moved upwards, causing my breast tissues to actually herniate," Daily Mail quoted her as saying.

Days before her dream photo shoot with Playboy, Sarah underwent emergency surgery to remove the lump due to fears that it would be cancerous.

Explaining her decision to get breast augmentation, Sarah said, "You can't turn up to a Playboy shoot with one boob. It all happened exceptionally fast."

However, she did not have time to do research about the procedure and its consequences -- and is now living in regret.

"I hate [my implants], they've literally ruined my life. I always wear high neck stuff to cover them up in public," she lamented.

"I can't even explain to you how they make me feel. I'm just so paranoid about them. I'm so grateful they removed the lump, the problem is fixed but they never measured my chest so basically my implants are too big for my chest plate and I'm pressing down on my breast."

Besides causing her pain, Sarah's boob job has also affected her career.

She told Daily Mail, "I used to do glamour modelling, now I'm doing a lot more commercial stuff and they have to strap my boobs down, literally get masking tape and strap my boobs down."

Due to the immense discomfort, Sarah has stopped doing shoots -- for now.

She plans to go for another operation so that she can return to her C-cups and added, "I'm just sharing my experiences because I don't want you guys making the same mistakes that I made."
