Parents make DIY Optimus Prime outfit for son, shows how to have fun while staying home

Who says staying home during a pandemic has to be boring?

A couple got creative over the weekend by creating a Transformers costume for their toddler son from scratch.

Stomper V said she and her husband decided to embark on the Do-It-Yourself project for their son, Asher, who is four and a half years old.

The costume was inspired by Optimus Prime, the protagonist of the Transformers franchise.

V told Stomp: "My husband took home some empty boxes from his office and I went to a bookstore to get some colour papers to stick on the boxes. We combined Optimus Prime's colours.

"We spent two afternoons on it. One on Saturday (May 15), a day before tightened Covid-19 measures were rolled out. We finished it up on Sunday."

V shared photos of the outfit and videos showing Asher dancing in his new costume.

The Stomper said: "Asher loves it. He said, 'Thank you, it looks very cool.'

"When we were going out to buy some food back, he asked if he could wear half the costume out because he loves it so much.

"I hope to share this as encouragement for parents to get creative and have some fun while staying at home amidst the Covid-19 measures."

V added: "Autobots, stay home and stay safe!"

View more photos in the gallery.
