MPV driver blocks Depot Road bus stop, shows middle finger after bus captain sounds horn

Who was the finger meant for?

A MPV driver showed the middle finger after a bus captain sounded the horn as the MPV was blocking the road and preventing the bus from reaching the bus stop.

Sharing a video of the incident, Stomper Ethan said it happened at Depot Road on March 7 at 2.55pm.

The bus stop is opposite the North London Collegiate School (Singapore), an international school.

The video shows the Toyota Vellfire waiting a few metres before the bus stop with its hazard lights on. Since the road has double yellow lines, no vehicles are allowed to stop there.

The SBS Transit bus service 175 was behind the MPV with the bus captain leaning on the horn.

The MPV driver might have thought the bus would just go around the MPV as it is a two-lane road. So the driver seemed reluctant to move as the MPV slowly inched forward.

But as the bus captain continuously sounded the horn, the MPV eventually sped up to go past the bus stop, allowing the bus to go forward and pick up the people waiting restlessly at the bus stop.

A man can be heard in the video shouting sarcastically to the MPV: "Oh, nice of you."

That was when a middle finger appeared from the driver's side of the MPV.

So the crude gesture was likely meant more for the bystander who made the sarcastic remark than for the bus captain who honked at the MPV.