Geylang resident appeals to man who might have found his necklace to return it

A man is appealing for the return of his necklace that he lost in Geylang on Thursday morning (Oct 21).

He believes that the accessory was found by a man and is hoping to reach out to him.

The Stomper, a resident on the second floor of Block 97 Jalan Dua, said: "I was rushing out at around 6.43am to 6.45am and used the staircase.

"I took out my watch from my pocket, where my necklace is as well.

"I am positive that's when I dropped it, within the block.

"There was a man behind me so I am appealing to him. If you found my necklace, please return it to me.

"I have also lodged a police report so that they can check the cameras in the areas I had walked through."

If you have any info about the necklace, kindly contact Stomp at or WhatsApp us at 9384 3761.
