Driver says women's genitalia has 'bonus hole', passenger complains and Grab offers $5 voucher

The New Paper
July 25, 2023

Even if all you want is some peace and quiet as you board your ride, some drivers are charming enough to engage you in pleasant conversation.

But not this driver. He made a female passenger feel uncomfortable by talking about women’s body parts, even if unknowingly.

The woman, who goes by Raisintiktokstar on TikTok, shared a clip of him making the comment on Monday (July 24). The video has over 22,000 views so far.

“Women’s vagina has a bonus hole (sic),” the Grab driver said.

"Oh great, I guess," the woman said after her initial shock.

"That's stupidity. I don't understand about this stupid Pride (movement) thing the world is getting into (sic)," he continued.

The driver’s “social commentary” was lost on most netizens too who were just as shocked as the passenger.

“Has a what? Oh my god?” said one.

Said another, “Bro said bonus hole like it was a video game.”

But some more culturally aware users supported him.

“He ain’t wrong,” said one commenter.

“He is right to say that it is stupid to call vaginas 'bonus holes'. People like you (are) just trying to get an honest driver into trouble,” added another.

Raisintiktokstar said that Grab had issued a warning to the driver after she made a complaint.

The use of vulgar, rude or inappropriate words in any form is an infringement of Grab's code of conduct.

Drivers and passengers found to display errant behaviour will be suspended or banned from the platform.

"(Grab) offered me a $5 voucher. The insult,” she said.

"I'm looking for transport, not therapy or debate."
