Audi driver tailgates motorist at AMK carpark again -- for the third time

An Audi driver was caught again on camera tailgating another car out of an Ang Mo Kio carpark today (Sep 22) at around 6.38am.

The car that the Audi driver tailgated belongs to a Stomper who is frustrated with the number of times this has happened.

The Audi driver with licence plate number SGX26S was caught doing the exact same thing on Aug 28 and on Aug 14.

"I think that this is an unnecessary danger with him driving so close to my car.

"Again, my kids were in the car and at risk of suffering whiplash if the Audi had hit me.

"This can all be avoided.

"I am at my wit's end and don't know what to do."

After the second incident on Aug 28, the Stomper reported the incident to the Housing & Development Board (HDB).

An officer responded to him and informed him that they will take "appropriate action" on the vehicle owner.

Watch the latest video of the Audi driver tailgating the Stomper below followed by the incidents on Aug 28 and Aug 14.