Audi driver parks on ramp at United Square, prevents woman carrying baby and stroller from using it

Stomper Ms Yong was at United Square shopping mall on Friday afternoon (Dec 13) struggling to get back to her car thanks to an inconsiderate driver.

An Audi was parked on a ramp that was meant to improve accessibility for those like Ms Yong who was pushing a baby stroller.

"I was carrying my baby and pushing the stroller," she said.

"I needed to use the ramp but it was blocked by this inconsiderate idiot.

"I think this person needs a lesson."

Ms Yong was alone and had her hands full at the time.

"Thankfully I could still manage," she said.

"I'm in the healthcare line and I know that anyone in a wheelchair would definitely have trouble getting down without the ramp as the step from the lift lobby is quite high.

"I just hope the driver can learn to be more considerate."
