13 investigated after being found drinking alcohol and socialising in office unit at Ubi Road

Five men and eight women are being investigated by the police for breaching safe distancing measures after they were allegedly found gathering in an office unit on Saturday (May 1).

The police said they conducted a raid on an office unit along Ubi Road 2, where 13 people, aged between 21 and 33, were allegedly found consuming alcohol and socialising.

Public entertainment and liquor were believed to be provided at the venue without valid licences. Karaoke equipment found at the unit was also seized as a case exhibit.

A 31-year-old man, who is believed to be the operator of the unit, will also be investigated for offences under the Public Entertainments Act and Liquor Control (Supply and Consumption) Act 2015.

The offences of providing public entertainment and supplying liquor without a valid license each carry a fine of up to $20,000.

"Members of the public are advised to take the prevailing safe distancing measures seriously," reminded the police.

For non-compliance with safe distancing measures under the COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) (Control Order) Regulations 2020, offenders may be jailed for up to six months and/or fined up to $10,000.

The police said they will continue to take tough enforcement action against illicit activities.

"Those found engaging in illicit activities, or in breach of safe distancing measures, will be dealt with sternly in accordance with the law," they added.

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