Found: Woman offering $500 for engagement ring lost at East Coast Park: "I can't sleep nor eat"

Update on May 22:

The ring has been found.

Stomper April told Stomp: "The Singapore Police Force found the ring and just returned it to us. So happy!

"The Singapore police is the best in the world!"

Original article:

Stomper April lost her "four prong solitaire setting" engagement ring at the Road Safety Community Park in East Coast Park yesterday (May 20).

April said: "We went back to search again that night but it is gone!

"We presume someone picked it up.

"We filed a police report today but I really hope the person who found it can return it.

"It is really sentimental to me! I cannot sleep nor eat just thinking about it.

"My partner and I will give a $500 reward to the person who can return it to us."

If you have any information about the ring, kindly contact us at or WhatsApp (+65) 9384 3761.