Woman looking for card holder lost at Buona Vista Station, contains important items

Stomper Izan had alighted at Buona Vista Station at around 12pm yesterday (Jun 4) when she realised her card holder was missing.

Her brown card holder was from The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, and contains two office access cards and two small keys.

Izan said:

"It is very important because I need it to access the building where I am working at, and those are the keys which have access to my drawer in the office.

"I would like to check if anyone has found my missing items in the train, which might have slipped from my lap and dropped on the seat.

"I really hope that a kind soul will report the items if found. Thank you and I would really appreciate it."

If you have any information about the card holder, kindly contact us at stomp@stomp.com.sg or WhatsApp (+65) 9384 3761.