Woman dumbfounded after Honda makes U-turn at zebra crossing in Hougang

Some drivers can dumbfound fellow motorists and pedestrians with their antics.

One Honda driver decided that it would be a good idea to perform a U-turn at a zebra crossing in Hougang on Jan 12.

Stomper Lau Lau alerted Stomp to a video of the incident that was posted on SG Road Vigilante's Facebook page.

In the video, the silver Honda Fit is seen stopping at the zebra crossing at Hougang Street 61.

The car then makes an unexpected U-turn just as a woman is about to cross.

She stops and stares at the car as he does the turn and goes off in the opposite direction.

Netizens called for the driver's licence to be revoked.

Others gave him a '100' for ingenuity but a '0' for brains.
