Is someone poisoning cats? Cat carcass seen floating along Telok Kurau Lorong N Park canal

Stomper Gagan alerted the Stomp Team about cases of alleged cat poisoning at Telok Kurau.

“Last Sunday, my friend was walking his dog at Telok Kurau Lorong N Park connector when he came across a warning poster about cat poisoning in the neighbourhood,” said Stomper Gagan.

He added that another friend spotted a dead cat’s carcass floating on the surface of the canal water.

The warning poster states that as of late, there is one cat poisoning case that occurred at the park connector end of Lorong L. 

Read also: Yet another dead cat found in Tampines: 3rd case in about a month

On top of that, a cat was found wounded by a cat trap along Lorong L. 

Other creatures like terrapins were wrapped in plastic bag. 

Stomper Gagan added:

“I called the National Parks Board helpline yesterday They offered to look into the situation."